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Dr. Prof. M. Din Syamsuddin - World Interfaith Harmony Week

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World Interfaith Harmony Week


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Dr. Prof. M. Din Syamsuddin

Dr. Prof. M. Din Syamsuddin, Muhammadiyah and Indonesia Ulama Council. UN Photo Paulo Filgueiras.

Peaceful Mediation of Conflict through Interfaith Dialogue

At a time when differences often lead to friction, and friction leads to conflict, the search for peaceful ways of resolving differences and conflicts has become imperative. In this regard, I believe that the significance of mediation as an instrument to resolve differences and to find common ground cannot be overstated.

The importance of the peaceful resolution of differences becomes even more evident when we look at the reality of the world where we live in today. While poverty, illiteracy, disease, and injustice still present the most difficult challenges to humanity, we are also presented with the fact that violent conflicts and even wars continue to be the most devastating source of human suffering.

History has shown us that violent conflict and war are the worst enemies of mankind. History also teaches us how violent conflict and war destroy not only communities and nations, but also civilizations.

It is indeed disheartening to see that conflict remains a defining characteristic of today’s world. War, which we thought to be obsolete, continues to serve as an instrument by which nations resolve their differences.

Thus, we should do our best to renounce the use of force and war as a means of conflict resolution. Through war, humankind would accomplish nothing but misery. The use of force will never resolve differences. The use of violence will only breed more violence.

Differences, be they religious, ethnic, cultural, or even civilizational, will continue to be a fact of life. But these differences should by no means become a reason why we cannot live in harmony and peace. In fact, Islam reminds us that God placed us in different nations and tribes so that we might come to enhance mutual understanding, mutual respect, and cooperation (Qur’an 49:13). Therefore, perpetuating those differences in order to foment conflict is certainly against God’s law of nature.

Our main task is therefore to ensure that religion continues to serve as the basis of peace. We must continue to work to ensure that religion will not be used, misused, and abused to justify acts of violence in any forms. The Holy Qur’an strongly reminds us that whoever killed a person without justified reason is he that has killed all mankind and humanity (5:32).

When conflicts do occur, it is our task to ensure that they are resolved peacefully, not through the use of violence. Here, we believe in the power of dialogue, and that interfaith dialogue could take the form of mediation between conflicting parties. It is true that sometimes conflicts have no religious motive, as religion is only used as a means of justification, yet religious approaches to conflict resolution are often fruitful.

It is my belief that more of these dialogues are needed. More exchanges of views and discussions among civilizations should be encouraged. Therefore, we should continue to make the dialogue among civilizations useful both at the elite and grassroots levels. We should ensure that various activities to bridge the gap among civilizations would contribute to the enhancement of mutual understanding and respect in a concrete way.

Mediation through interfaith dialogues would not be meaningful unless parties to such dialogues were able to articulate their point of view in a frank and candid manner. Dialogues would quickly turn into a political theater if we were unable to be honest with each other. Fruitful dialogues can only be achieved in an environment that promotes candidness and honesty within a spirit of togetherness and brotherhood.

Faith-based organizations, like Muhammadiyah, whenever possible can and should play a role in mediation efforts to resolve conflict. We have played, and will continue to play, that role at the community level. We have also played that role in order to bridge differences among communities at the national level.

The challenge we are now facing is how to continue emphasizing the value of mediation through interfaith dialogues and cooperation as an instrument to bridge civilizational divides and conflicts at the global level.

Various initiatives in this area remind us that religion and religious leaders do have a positive role to play in international relations.

Religion does serve as a source of values and norms that can provide guidance for healthy inter-state relations based on mutual understanding, mutual respect, and equality. Those dialogues also serve as a venue for religious leaders to articulate their aspirations for a peaceful and just world.

At the grassroots level, interfaith dialogues and cooperation can provide the basis for peace among people of different faiths. Dialogues can remove mutual suspicions, which often result from ignorance, lack of knowledge about each other, and an absence of mutual respect.

It is my hope that the 2012 World Interfaith Harmony Week will serve as an integral part of our effort to bridge divides among civilizations, among states, among nations, and among communities. It is also the hope of all of us who are here today that our relentless efforts will in the end yield to a peaceful, just, prosperous, and harmonious world.

Dr. Prof. M. Din Syamsuddin is the Chairman of Muhammadiyah. Founded in 1912, Muhammadiyah is Indonesia's oldest Islamic organization as well as one of its largest. He is also vice chairman of Indonesia Ulama Council. He is a Professor of Islamic Political Thought at the State Islamic University, Jakarta; Chairman of the Centre for Dialogue and Cooperation among Civilizations; Honorary President of Religions for Peace; and President and Moderator of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace. He also serves on the International Contact Group to provide advice to the concerned parties on the peace process in Mindanao, the Philippines. Dr. Syamsuddin holds a doctorate in Islamic Studies from the University of California at Los Angeles. He is the author of Islam and Politics in the New Order Era (2000) and Religious Ethics to Build Civil Society (2001).

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